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Hmm, usually Google Maps or sometimes TripAdvisor.
But they don’t always highlight the smaller local parks.
I wish there was something dedicated just for that.
1:1 Interview
Product Validation


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Researcher: So, when you think about spending time outdoors, what are your go-to spots or resources?
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Participant: Hmm, usually Google Maps or sometimes TripAdvisor. But they don’t always highlight the smaller, local parks. I wish there was something dedicated just for that.
Researcher: Can you describe your current process for finding parks or natural spaces in your area?
Participant: Uh, I typically just Google it or ask friends for recommendations. But sometimes, Google doesn't give me the hidden gems, you know? And not all of my friends are into parks as much as I am.
Researcher: Have you used any other apps or tools specifically for discovering natural spaces?
Participant: I've tried a few, but most of them just list the popular spots. And some are outdated. If GreenSpace could provide current information and maybe even user reviews or photos, that would be a game-changer.
Researcher: So, when you think about spending time outdoors, what are your go-to spots or resources?
Participant: Hmm, usually Google Maps or sometimes TripAdvisor. But they don’t always highlight the smaller, local parks. I wish there was something dedicated just for that.

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Insight 1.

Community reviews and insights are vital.

Insight 2.

Users want less common parks to be recommended.

Insight 3.

Eco-consciousness enhances park exploration appeal.

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GreenSpace Discovery Research - Feb 24
The primary appeal for many users is the prospect of uncovering hidden local parks.The digital world, in many ways, has transformed local exploration, but there remains an underserved niche for those wanting to delve deeper into their local green sanctuaries.
While mainstream tools often spotlight the more well-known or popular areas, there's a palpable interest in those special, less-trafficked spots that offer unique experiences.
But sometimes, Google doesn't give me the hidden gems, you know? And not all of my friends are into parks as much as I am.
The modern park-goer is not just looking for a place to relax or play; they're increasingly interested in understanding their environmental impact and ways they can promote eco-friendliness.
GreenSpace's proposition of integrating eco-awareness into the exploration process resonates strongly. Users are not merely spectators of nature; they wish to engage with it in a way that's both enriching and sustainable.


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How does this work?
You upload research sessions. Using AI we transcribe, summarize, tag and extract the themes from them. From there you can add highlights, share those highlights with your team, and replay your video recordings.
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How secure is this? What do you do with the data we upload?
We believe that the data you upload belongs to you and is extremely precious. We treat it as such.

When you upload research sessions into Divinate we use AI models via APIs. These models allow us to transcribe, summarize, and tag the session. We do not use your data to train any models, the APIs we use do not get trained with the data, and the data does not mix with other user's data.

If you have specific security questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
Can I use Divinate on my sales calls?
Sure! Divinate is hyper focused on helping you make the best possible product decisions from your customer feedback as quickly as possible. Often we learn things in sales calls that will help improve our products. Pop those sessions right on in.
Can I replace talking to my customers with this?
Absolutely not. Talk to your customers. Don't talk to robots. Divinate does not replace research and it definitely doesn't replace your customers. With Divinate you'll be able to talk to more humans more often because you won't be bogged down in the busywork.
The future is well researched and beautifully designed