Tregg Frank
June 18, 2024
Product Updates

A little over a year ago I sat down and played with Large Language Models (LLMs) for the first time and was blown away. Like so many people my mind began to race with the possibilities this fascinating technology unlocked for us.

In my career I have seen first hand how hard it is to gather, understand, and ultimately respond to customer feedback by building the right things. Product managers, UX researchers, and designers are out there collecting amazing qualitative research, but how do you make it mean something while also still building the products?

Everyone says "talk to your customers" but making sense of and tracking what you learn is hard. Communicating it to your team is hard. Building the case for what to build is hard. It takes time. Time you would otherwise be building.

How do you measure whether usage is down because people hate a feature, because they can't find it, or because of some other undetected reason? How do you avoid injecting your own biases? How do you communicate your findings in a way that can inspire change across your team? How do you build what your customer wants?

Enter Divinate, a user research and continuous discovery tool for busy teams. Drop your recordings of research sessions directly into Divinate and get executive summaries and tags added automatically. From there, you are able to save highlights. Your saved highlights for a folder populate into a summary document which summarizes multiple research sessions together and allows you to generate insights automatically.

So where is this going?

In the short term...

  • We want to make a tool that makes it extremely easy for you to make sense of your qualitative customer research
  • We want to make a tool that is delightful to use
  • We want to make a tool that provides value so vastly exceeding what it costs that it's a no brainer to subscribe
  • We want to make a tool that puts research on the pedestal we believe it deserves

In the long term...

  • We want to make a tool that helps you understand your qualitative data in comparison to your quantitative data
  • We want to make a tool that automatically notices trends and makes connections you might have otherwise missed
  • We want to make a tool that makes it so no good research or customer insight is lost to the sands or time, an old dusty drive folder, or a repo no one tends to anymore
  • We want to make rad stuff people love

We're glad you're along for the ride with us. We can't wait to continually improve Divinate with your feedback. And we can't wait to see what you all build.

– Tregg Frank
Divinate Co-Founder

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